A mover and a shaker! That's what this little boy is! I love feeling him move all over the place and last night Jimmy got to feel him for the first time. For weeks we have been playing that little game where the mom tells the dad to hurry over because the baby is moving and as soon as the dad puts his hand on the belly, the baby stops! It was fun to have Jimmy feel his little son moving around and feel how real he is. One of my favorite things is feeling Baby Boy move while I'm holding my baby Ali. I love knowing that I have both of my babies right there. It will be fun to have her understand what's going on... maybe with the next one. For now she doesn't even seem to react when he "kicks her".
I can't wait to see how he and Ali will get along. I'm sure it will be hard for her to adjust. She is so attached to me and doesn't like anyone else getting attention from me, but that's just one of those things we will work through. She is growing up and learning so much. I want to start dong more learning activities with her as she seems to be getting to that age. I have found SO many awesome sites while looking around Pinterst. I love that thing! So I've decided to add those sites to the side of this blog so I can have a quick reference of activities for Ali. I can't wait to collect materials and start this new phase with her!
So back to Baby Boy- I already have heartburn. If the rumors are true, and they're usually not, he is going to have a lot of hair. I think he'll have hair anyway, but that is probably not causing my heartburn. I had it a little with Ali right at the end but it's already starting. It's mostly at night and probably because I drink water before I go to bed. It's no big deal though. And sleeping on these Chinese beds does a number on my poor pregnant hips. But Jimmy requested some extra blankets for me to lay on to try to soften up the wood, I mean matress. =)
Painting Neon Art Project for Kids
2 hours ago