Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Heartbeat

Dearest Baby,

I heard your heartbeat yesterday and it was the most beautiful sound! You are so small still but I could see you moving around and I could see your heart fluttering. It was my second appointment and second ultra sound. The first one was too early to see anything, but yesterday we saw you and got to bring a picture home. I’m so happy that things are still going well. I pray every day that you will be healthy and that we will get to hold you someday soon. I love you so much!



Hello, Baby!!

What I am craving:

Fruit! I can’t get enough of berries. Yesterday all I could stomach eating were blueberries. I was really nauseous and couldn’t imagine eating anything except for blueberries. I got some strawberries so I could eat those today.

I am very nauseous and never have an appetite for anything!!! If it comes in liquid form I am usually ok, but other than that I have to force it down. I am happy to feel this way if it means I get to hold my baby in 7 more months!

I found relief!!

While laying on the couch for the second day in a row, I began to get annoyed that I felt so nauseous. I started searching for remedies online and all I found were a bunch of sob stories about how nauseous everyone was. I definitely feel their pain, but I’m all about fixing the problem, not bathing in it! So I had an idea…the truth is I have a secret desire to be a yoga guru, which led me to investigate “yoga during pregnancy” on youtube. I found some great videos and after watching a couple, I rounded up the desire to get off the couch and try one. It felt WONDERFUL! The first relief I have had since laying in the shower earlier today. I decided to do a couple more poses and they also felt great. The only down side is that I’m weak and I have to stop sometime… at which point the nausea returns. Oh well, at least I know what I can do to get a break from that feeling! I may be on the road to yoga guru after all. Thanks, Baby!

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