Thursday, March 18, 2010

Oh, the smells!!

Sweet Baby!
Daddy decided to make some chicken that we bought at Costco a couple weeks ago. We bought it after trying it on a sample day and it was one of those chickens that is marinated in sauce. It seemed like a great idea at the time.... but that was before nausea was in full effect! I COULD NOT take a sniff or I would start dry heaving! I'm sure it wasn't a bad smell, and when he finished making tacos they didn't look bad, but the smell! Oh, the smell!! So yes, I am still in that phase. Nothing sounds good, smells good, or tastes good. But it doesn't matter, we got to see you again today!!! You are so much bigger than two weeks ago! I just can't believe how much you've grown! We are so happy that you are doing so well still! I'm trying not to get too excited because you never know what could happen, but I do allow myself some peeks into the baby section when I go to the store. We saw your head and your spine and your arms and legs! That little spine! I've never been so happy to see a spine in my whole life! I will see if I can scan the last two pictures that the doctor gave us. I am over the moon excited! I love you!

There you are!!

I had to tie this shirt around my nose so I didn't have to hold it there all night! =)


Annie said...

Oh Julie. this is such a funny picture!
Ben and I LOVE reading your posts on the pregnancy. We love being part of your experience, even though we're far.
We love you guys.
B & A

Crazyloca said... looks like a burka...loving the posts