Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Mother's Day surprise!

A few days ago was Mother's Day and we thought it would be the perfect day to tell Grandpa and Grandma Hrncirik that they were going to get a new grandbaby. We framed one of the ultrasound pictures and added a text bubble of the baby saying, "Hi Grandma!" When mom opened it she looked at it for a couple seconds then a huge surprised look come across her face. She looked up at us and said, "Really?" Then dad looked over at it and said, "No way!" We all just laughed and hugged! It was so fun telling them the great news. Today they gave us our first ever baby present: some baby Q-tips, baby powder and baby wash. How exciting!
We can't wait to tell Grandpa and Grandma Newton the great news when we go to visit them in Utah in 3 weeks! We are glad that we get to tell them in person and see their reaction!

We also had a doctor's appointment today. There was no ultra sound, they just measured my belly and we got to hear baby's heart beat. What a beautiful sound!! Baby has a strong, regular heart beat. It should be in the 120-160 range and it was 140- right in the middle. My mom said that when she was pregnant with us they didn't have ultra sounds so they used the heartbeat to guess if it was a boy or a girl. I think if it was fast, they said it was a boy and a slow heartbeat indicated a girl. Lucky we have ultra sounds because baby's heartbeat is right in the middle and we would never know that way. We are going back to the doctor in 5 weeks for another ultra sound. We will be praying for a healthy, growing baby until then!
We love you, Baby!!!

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