Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Week 21

Could it really be week 21? How exciting! I can imagine myself at the top of a hill just looking over the top, ready to start my way down the other side. The anticipation is so exciting! I enjoyed the first half so much and it seems to get better every week!
This little girl is growing and taking my belly with her! I am feeling her move several times a day now. It's still those tiny flutters and Jimmy can't feel them yet. My sister said maybe around week 24 he will be able to. I just feel bad that all he can do is watch me grow larger and larger and not feel what's causing it.
We just got back from our doctor's appointment. He checked everything out on this little lady (and yes, he confirmed that it is a lady) and said that she's growing well. 1 pound and 1 ounce today! What a good girl! She was very sleepy during the appointment so nothing too crazy but it was good to see her. She just keeps those arms up to her head all the time. Jimmy said she must be shy. We only got 1 (alien-ish) picture from the doc.... we're just glad we got all those cute pics from the 3D place in Utah.
Her pack n' play, the first of many big-ish purchases, should be here next week. Maybe I won't set it up immediately, or maybe I WILL!


Thayn Family said...

Jewelzee! You didnt tell me that you feel her moving! How exciting! I can't wait until me... and Jimmy of coarse... can feel Mary Alice too!

Annie said...

Oh you will...

Crazyloca said...

glad to hear that your appt went well and that you don't have to return any of the cute girl stuff!!!

Hill Family said...

I am so excited for you!! Little girls are wonderful!!!